Step 1:
Identify the weakness
For you to know your weaknesses you need data that is collected in a enviroment that is controlled as much as possible, what I mean is that you should aim to control the variables as much as possible. For instance:
Let's say you want to test the difference between your kipping and strict exercises, so you want to see which one your current fitness prefers. You would want to be fresh off course, but the skill/kipping side requires more focus. So if you just had a weekend full of alcohol drinking, then the numbers you will hit on the kipping side will be unreliable. Off course this is hypothesis, but you can notice yourself how alcohol or other substances influence your body and mind.
If you want to learn more about testing then check out this Blogpost: Benchmarking can only be successful if…
Step 2:
Match the intent with the correct movements/exercises
If your intention is to increase your endurance/aerobic capacity. Then you will be able to notice that high volumes of ring muscle ups and snatches will not get you there.
Why are ring muscle ups and snatches not always a good choice to work on endurance? Because the main limitter will quite likely be coordination/power/speed or something along those lines. So that is what you're mainly working on. Off course you are training multiple aspacts at a time but by making a specific aspact the main limitting factor, you can sort of, highlight it.
Step 3:
Identify the intent of the exercise
A jump squat incorporates a jump to increase explosiveness , if you use a weight that makes you move slow then you're not training explosiveness but absolute strength.
Some exercises are great for certain intentions and some exercises are not. Important to understand that exercises are not the same as movements/patterns. Exercises oftenly reveal the intent while a movement is like a blank piece of paper, you can play with exercises and try to use them for different intentions but an exercise like a squat snatch will always have the power/strength-speed component to it due to it's requirements to speed up in order to catch the barbell.
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