The online on-ramp course

In this course, you will learn more then you need to know about the basics of CrossFit. I know how some people are afraid of going to a CrossFit box because of all the crazy stories. Via this course I hope to take that fear away from you and get you more confident to sign up for a CrossFit membership near you.
I have made 3 ¨follow along¨ sections whereas I explain the squats, the lifts and the shoulder to overhead exercises. So you will move and learn at the same time. I don't expect you to be able to do everything perfectly at your first attempt, but I want you to understand the principles and understand why we do stuff in a certain way.
I truly think that everyone can do CrossFit, but in my opinion, the video's you see on the internet can create a unrealistic expectations. People often times think that when the sign up for CrossFit, they immediately have to do squats on one leg and lift heavy ass weights. In reality, it is just a bunch of people together that aspire a more healthy lifestyle and like to get fit within a nice community.
So via this course I hope to pull the trigger for you and get you enthousiastic to sign up for a CrossFit box near you.
Even CrossFit coaches can benefit from this course to get inspiration for their own ¨in-person¨ on ramp course. I would not advise to just copy-paste this course but you can definately use the material and explanations for yourself.
Price: €39,99
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